This is the test book.

Authentications tests

Feature Description Expected Result Passed
Apikey login adding an apykey on auth config, you will be identified as ApiKey user (calling UserInfo lambda) if key is empty, user wont be authenticated. If key is provided and matches authorize header, user is authenticated. YES
Apikey Admin login adding an apykey admin on auth config, you will be identified as ApiKey user (calling UserInfo lambda) if key is empty, user wont be authenticated. If key is provided and matches authorize header, user is authenticated. YES
Oauth login enabling oauth configuration, user is able to be authenticate using password flow
- add user to _user collections (initial user can be used as template) - call userinfo
user will be authenticated. All user field will be available as user claims YES
External login setup a identity server, create user on it, get the token, then authenticate on rawcms user will be authenticated. All user field exposed by userinfo of external service will be available as user claims TODO


Feature Description Expected Result Passed
CRUD Test insert, update, delete on schema, using API data will be saved YES


Feature Description Expected Result Passed
CRUD Test insert, update, delete on collection, using API data will be saved YES
Automatic collection creation inserting a item on a collection, if collection doesn't exist, it is created collection will be created YES
Schema Adding a row on _schemas table, schema will be used to validate data it is not possible inserd unvalid data. it will be possible add valid data YES
Alter query lambda Creating a class that implements Alter query allow user to perfom data filtering query returns expected data. lambda works only in collection that meets lambda configuration TODO
Presave Lambda adding a presave lambda, this lambda is called before saving data it is possible to alter data before save YES
Postsave Lambda adding a postsave lambda, this lambda is called before saving data it is possible to be notified after data is saved YES

Admin Test

Feature Description Expected Result Passed
CRUD save data on _ tables, Same of public CRUD api TODO
Authorization test separation of public and admin CRUD. Test token usage admin service are protected and cannot be called without apikey (if provided). public api cannot write into collection with _ prefix. admin api cannot write on public collections TODO

GraphQL Test

Feature Description Expected Result Passed
Query read data if mapped in schema data will be diplayed YES
Query filter Search on entity all fields are searchbele YES
Query paging make paged qury return the subset of data YES


Feature Description Expected Result Passed
Http Lambda create an http lambda hitting lambda url produce expeced result TODO
Rest lambda create a Rest lambda hitting lambda url produce expeced result TODO


Feature Description Expected Result Passed
Plugin Referencing a dll that implements plugin, plugin is loaded See log from plugin TODO