Web app developer section

RawCMS is shipped with a Web App that acts as a GUI to view and modify entities schema, as well to configure the RawCMS instance. The web app will be pluggable in the future.

RawCMS GUI is an SPA built on top of:

All files of web app are under the raw-cms-app directory. In the following document, we will refer to this directory as the root directory for the webapp, unless stated otherwise.


To tinker with the web app, you must have this tools installed on your machine:

  • NodeJS + npm (tested with version v10.15.2/6.4.1)

To install needed dependencies, just run npm i in the project root.

Start dev server

Just run npm run serve. After you edit a file, you have to manually refresh the browser page to see the difference.

Build for deployment

Run npm run build. Files will go under the dist directory.


All source files are under src directory.

Source file are splitted in modules, where each module contains a set of components with related features. Each module has its own directory under src/modules/<module name>. Exception to this rule are the entry points (src/index.html and src/main.js) and the root component under src/app.

Components are usually splitted in 2/3 files: <name>.js (component logic), <name>.tpl.html (component view) and optionally <name>.css (styles). The vast majority of components are lazy loaded when the app needs them via an utility (more on that later).

Notable/config files

src/index.html and src/main.js are the main entry points where the whole application is bootstrapped.

Under src/app there is the root component, with the app wireframe (top bar, left menu and central view for content).

In the src/env directory there is an env.json file with environment constants.

In the src/utils directory there are JS common utilities.

Concerning src/config directory:

  • i18n.js: contains vue-i18n initialization and an helper class to lazy load internationalized messages for a module (see i18nHelper.load function in the file).
  • router.js: contains vue-router initialization and routing settings. Internazionalization files are loaded automatically if you follow the i18n assets convention explained in the module section.
  • vuetify.js: contains vuetify initialization.
  • vuelidate.js: contains initialization code for vuelidate.
  • vuex.js: contains init code for Vuex.
  • raw-cms.js: it exports a commodity object RawCMS (also exposed on window) with a loadComponentTpl function, which can used along with native VueJS async component loading to obtain a full lazy-loading component experience, with view and logic files splitted on source code. For an usage example, see one of the views under the core module. Note that this object contains also the eventBus to dispatch events through all the application and can be augmented at will to share objects/states within the application.

Module structure

We can use src/modules/core to explain a module structure:

  • assets directory: contains all static files (e.g. images). It has a sub-directory i18n where you should put i18n files with this filename template: i18n.<lang-code>.json.
  • views directory: contains the components which acts as main views for the module.
  • services directory: contains classes/helpers/utils providing business logic to the module components and possibly to other modules.
  • components directory: contains components which are logically contained in the module, but have been splitted from the view for maintainability or can potentially be used also elsewhere. Each subdirectory contains a component with its own 2/3 files.