Software to install


Initial Local Setup For contributors

Open the terminal, move to the docker folder of rawCms project, then digit docker-compose up. Open the project on Visual Studio and start it. This will activate a mongodb installation, with a preconfigured database. Please doublecheck the port number of appsettings.json file and the one exposed by docker compose. Must be the same. Non docker user for user that do not have docker, you can install mongodb locally and change the port number according.

Docker RawCMS setup

Setup postman

On Postman import the collection file rawCMS/docs/RawCMS.postman_collection.json. After that, open any collection and copy the port number from the link (should be 28436). Open rawCMS on Visual Studio, on the right in the solution explorer, right click on rawCMS, then property. On the opened window, debug, search URL of the app, then delete the port number and past the Postman port.

Setup mongoDB

Launch rawCMS on VisualStudio, open MongoDB Compass and press connect. Click on rawCMS->_configuration, then edit the plugin ending with AuthPlugin. At the entry adminApiKey, change the type from null to string and set it to apikeyadmin. Do the same for apiKey and set it to apikey, then Update. Restart the app on Visual Studio. On Postman click on the collection create user, on headers at the entry Authorization delete {{token}} and set it to Apikey apikeyadmin. On the body, change name (example: "alice"), newPassword (example: "alice") and set roles to "Admin", then send.