Log Collecting

This module enables the log collecting feature. Logs are isolated by application. A "default" application is created automatically. Each application has a Public ID. This ID is the public key used for sending log through http request.

Note: for performance log must be added in bulk mode, one call with multiple rows.

POST /api/LogIngress/<APP-ID>

    {"Date":"2020-04-07T08:43:43.8494406+02:00","Message":"My message xyz","Severity":2},
    {"Date":"2020-04-07T08:43:44.9958044+02:00","Message":"My message xyz 2","Severity":3},
    {"Date":"2020-04-07T08:43:44.9958044+02:00","Message":"My message xyz 4","Severity":4}

Serverity values:

    ALL = 0,
    TRACE = 1,
    DEBUG = 2,
    INFO = 3,
    WARN = 4,
    ERROR = 5,
    FATAL = 6

Items are processed in background and may need up to a minute to be visible.

Read logs by API

Api logs are avaiable by regular fulltext api, like this:

GET /api/FullText/doc/search/log_<APPLICATION_PUBLIC_ID>?searchQuery=level:>=1 AND message:Prova&start=0&size=20